Business Law Archives

ADR in Alberta: How negotiation, mediation, and arbitration work

April 27, 2020

There are many alternatives to going to court to resolve legal conflicts. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can be faster and cheaper than litigation for individuals and organizations. There are four methods of resolving disputes: Negotiation Mediation Arbitration Court Litigation. Parties can use individual methods or combine them as needed. For example, negotiation and mediation are often…

Are electronic signatures binding in Alberta?

April 27, 2020

In Alberta, electronic signatures are governed by the Electronic Transactions Act (Alberta). Unless a document is one of those documents specifically excluded from the ETA, documents can be signed electronically in Alberta.  Those documents excluded from the ETA are: wills and codicils; trusts created by wills or codicils; enduring powers of attorney under the Powers…

Business law allows flexibility in choosing a structure

April 27, 2020

Entrepreneurs here in Alberta and across the country have several decisions to make as they get ready to open their doors. One of the most essential is the type of business structure under which they will operate. Fortunately, business law allows flexibility in this area since a company can change its structure when necessary. For example,…

Business law issues: What to name a new company

April 27, 2020

In Alberta, choosing a name for a new company is an important part of the incorporation process. The name needs to draw customers in and be memorable. There are also considerations involving domain name selection. There are a few legal reasons why an entrepreneur cannot simply choose a name and go with it. Names must meet…

Business law matters: Negotiating a commercial lease

April 27, 2020

For those looking to rent commercial property in Alberta, getting a good deal could make the difference in growing a successful business. Rent payments often require a large chunk of a business’s budget, and working toward receiving the best possible deal is paramount. When it comes to business law matters, negotiating a commercial lease is not just a…

Considerations in looking to buy an existing business

April 27, 2020

Whether an Alberta entrepreneur is starting out or continuing to grow, figuring out which way to turn can take some thought. For some, buying an existing business could be the best answer. Before making such a decision and an offer to the seller, it would be wise to look at every aspect of this choice. A…

Cybersecurity Concerns? Consider a Cybersecurity Policy and Team

April 27, 2020

Today’s business landscape looks a lot different than it did a decade ago. Employees are encouraged to work remotely, major deals can be done without meeting face-to-face, and work-related technology can fit in your pocket. While technological leaps can mean increased productivity and profit, it may also open the door to more sinister situations. For…

Is Canada Home To The Next Silicon Valley?

April 27, 2020

Just say the words ‘Silicon Valley’ and images of tech campuses, startups, and Teslas come to mind. With publications touting Canada as the next technological hub, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype. So, are we headed in the same direction as our Californian friends? According to one industry insider, it may not…

When it comes to business law, numerous choices are required

April 27, 2020

Starting a small company here in Alberta comes with mixed emotions. Excitement, trepidation and more can make the decision-making process challenging if done alone. Choosing an entity structure is an important part of the process, but it is only one choice entrepreneurs need to consider as they work to make their visions come to life.…